+3 votes
by (17,406 points)
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H.L.There's a mysterious NPC named H.L. that resides in Outlaw Camp. What does his name actually stand for?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (2,271 points)
Okay feel free to downvote me on this one, but I once asked this question to GM on Nova many years ago.They told me it was in reference to H.P Lovecraft, which was theme that the development team wanted to bring into the game. I have no proof of this (screenshots are long gone) But next time there's an interview I would love for this to be a question we ask
by (17,406 points)
No, that's actually interesting. Of course, no proof but I do see how this could be true.
by (5,796 points)
hm, interesting! Which Lovecraftian theme was it specifically? The only clear reference that I can spot in Tibia are the deeplings, specially the whole "Eye of the Deep" part on Awash. But H.L. is waaaay more older compared to the deeplings lore.
+1 vote
by (198 points)
If you ask Rottin Wood about it the answer is that H.L always wear a wedding ring with those initials engraved on it, that is the reason why he is only known as H.L, and probably the reason he hates women as well, something happened to his partner.