+3 votes
by (2,217 points)
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This question is mostly for girls. Most of you have female characters so it will be easier for you to check. I'm interested in the transcription of NPC Bertram during the 6th mission of Thieves Guild Quest when we try to kiss him. I described this method in another question here:

How many methods are there to obtain Theodore Loveless key?

All you have to do is to have completed the kissing a pig quest and while doing the 6th mission of The Thieves Guild quest talk to Bertram in the same way I talked to Chantalle:

11:50 Norghin [75]: hi

11:50 Chantalle: Hello. What brings you here?

11:52 Norghin [75]: key

11:52 Chantalle: Are you insane?! I'd never misuse the trust placed upon me and hand you Master Loveless' key! I'm not as bribeable as Herbert, this bad example of a postman - despite his handsome uniform.

11:52 Norghin [75]: kiss

11:52 Chantalle: Oh, I've heard you are the king of kisses, is that true???

11:52 Norghin [75]: yes

11:52 Chantalle: Hmmm. If it's true, I'd give you the key you are looking for in exchange for a kiss! Are you interested?

11:53 Norghin [75]: yes

11:53 Chantalle: Ohhhh! Th .. Thank you! Here is .. your key!

11:53 Norghin [75]: kiss

11:53 Chantalle: No, thank you. I fear I might get addicted <sighs>.

I suspect that NPC Bertram has different statements from NPC Chantalle and I would love to know. Unfortunately, I don't have a female character at the right level to check it out.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,205 points)
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Your theory is correct! I did receive the key on a female character while wearing the postman's hat after speaking to Bertram.

16:09:15 Bertram: Hello. Please don't interrupt me for too long!
16:09:16 Cat Full Pistola [105]: key
16:09:17 Bertram: Oh my! You look so great in your uniform! You archpostmen are not only daring but also pretty. Here take it, that's the key you wanted. Just promise to visit me now and then!

Once I received the key, I asked for a kiss and he replied with "No, thank you. I fear I might get addicted <sighs>.


I got the Passionate Kisser Achievement and did the Thieves Guild up to Mission 6 and talked to the NPC Bertram without the hat.

There are some differences between the answer you received from Chantalle and what I received from Bertram which are marked in red below. 

23:53:05 Big Kitty Energy [114]: hi

23:53:06 Bertram: Hello. Please don't interrupt me for too long!

23:53:12 Big Kitty Energy [114]: key

23:53:13 Bertram: Are you insane?! I'd never misuse the trust place upon me and hand you Master Loveless's key! I'm not as bribable as Herbert, he is such a bad example of a postman!

23:53:22 Big Kitty Energy [114]: kiss

23:53:23 Bertram: Oh, I've heard you are the queen of kisses, is that true???

23:53:28 Big Kitty Energy [114]: yes

23:53:29 Bertram: Hmmm. If it's true, I'd give you the key you are looking for in exchange for a kiss! Are you interested?

23:53:42 Big Kitty Energy [114]: yes

23:53:43 Bertram: Ohhhh! Th .. Thank you! Here is .. your key!

23:53:52 Big Kitty Energy [114]: kiss

23:53:53 Bertram: No, thank you. I fear I might get addicted <sighs>.

by (2,217 points)
Did you read my question? Thanks for trying to check this but unfortunately you don't answer my question. Why did you wear a postman hat when asking Bertram about the key? I was asking about what Bertram will say when we want to kiss him. I may not have described the process of how to trigger this actual dialogue quite well... Ech.... Sorry.
By wearing a hat while talking to Bertram, you robbed yourself of the chance to test the method with a kiss. The NPC script checked that you were wearing a postman hat and at that moment you obtained the key, thus you could no longer obtain the key through kissing.
by (1,205 points)
Sorry for misunderstanding. The hat wasn't mentioned in your instructions and I was following the instructions from Tibiawiki.

I'll run another character through the quests in the next few days and report back.
by (1,205 points)
I added the updated portion under my original answer :)
by (2,217 points)
Thanks and that's a good answer Queen of Kisses :) Thanks for your efforts.