+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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Last weekend was active the Double Loot and was so many people camping bosses, so it make me wonder, there is possible to loot 2 valuable items for a single boss? for example, the vampire bosses always drop a vampire lord token so during Double loot even, is possible to get 2  tokens for a single boss.

So by saying this I wanna know is if is possible to drop: 2 normal items and a rare item from the a single Boss, let's say 2  Imperor's Trident and a Tempest Shield. Does it possible?

Thanks in advance.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (37 points)
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Best answer

Yes, during the event any creature you kill rewards loot as if you have killed 2 of said creature. Except bosses that work with the reward chest.
Using your example, if you kill The Imperor during the event, you WILL get 2 Imperor's Trident, since it's a guaranteed drop, and you can get up to 2 Tempest Shields if you are lucky enough.

To ilustrate i got this image from reddit user iamthegenerator where he got 2 dwarven helmets from the horned fox

+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
Yes, it is possible. For example, during this loot event I killed Demodras and got 2 Dragon Claws, Every boss that don't have the reward system is affected by the double loot, so the POI bosses are affected too. In this case, you will get 2 POI items and can get one or even two rares by them.
by (5,730 points)
Hi Candangoek. The loots that are always dropped by a boss I know they drop 2 during double loot, like Pirate Bosses, Demodras, POI Bosses but  what i wanna know is if apart of those loots that are 100% drop chance, exist the possibility to drop a 2 Rare items or at least 1 rare. Like the example I wrote:  2  Imperor's Trident and a Tempest Shield.

If you have any pic with a loot like this would be really nice to see it.
by (2,865 points)
Oh sure, it's possible, unfortunately I don't have any images (I killed Demodras, Tiquanda's Revenge and The Horned Fox) but wasn't luck to drop any rare, only they usual drops
0 votes
by (4 points)
Yes it is possible to get double items from bosses only from those with doesn’t have a reward chest loots :) its only working at bosses without reward chest drop