+1 vote
by (105 points)
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How long does it take to complete the quest and what level is recommended to make things easier?

5 Answers

+4 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer

This item can be assembled from its four pieces:

And this items can be obtained in the Kilmaresh Quest after finished , and then when you got those items you can go to Yonan  and he will assembly it to you.

So the dificult depends on your level and your ability to finish the quest.

+1 vote
by (16 points)

It is recommended to team up with at least five people, level 300 + to be safe, as there are many animal risks. It's not a short quest, so the reward is pretty

+1 vote
by (29 points)
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I did in Test Serve and took 4 days.

Now, I completed in 3 days... 2 days I spent gathering all items to "Midnight Rituals Task" and "Sphinx Feathers", and did the quest in 3 hours (spending 1 hour after delivering sphinx feathers).

There was 4 players in my team, so we took a while to gather all items to everyone, and one ED 350+ died in process... So, be careful..
0 votes
by (5,689 points)
I did mini bosses my 290lvl with friends 400, 500, 600 lvl and it was hard for me. Don't kill, but main boss is certainly even heavier. I think that a good player with a good team is able to do it even this 290lvl:)
0 votes
by (4,162 points)

Ofcourse you need to finish Kilmaresh Quest and with those items that you collect from missions you need to go to Npc Yoan and ask him for a The Regalia Of Suon.

I spend a 7 hours for doing this quest (some missions with friends).I think on 300+ will be great. You can rush the way. But for some missions will be better if someone will help you.
If you start this quest, will be easier for you if you first collect this items :
20xSphinx Feathers dropped from

5x Empty Honey Glass(semi rare) can be looted from 
1 Lizard heart(rare) dropped from 
5x Vial of Ink use a on a dead  (two can be found under Kilmaresh's library, you can use vials in one dead).
5x Carab pincers loot from 
3x Scorpions Tailsdropped from 
2x Piece of crocodile leathersdropped from 

by (4,162 points)
Small changes with today server save :
In order to complete the quest Fafnar's Wrath, players now only need 10 sphinx feathers instead of 20.