+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Recently I wanted to loot 20 Broken Longobows , since it was necessary to make The Order of the Lion Quest.

Longbows we can loot from Usurper Archer , one of creatures that we can meet in the village. I noticed, that quite often monsters disappear without any reason. Unfortunately many times during fight with Usurper Archer he suddenly "puffed" and disappear.

Why? :(

How does the respawn of Lion members and Usurpers on a Bounac Isle exactly work? If anyone knows the mechanism and share it with us, I'll be thankful :)

by (5,730 points)
Same happens to me!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (746 points)
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We do not have official information about how the spawn works, but by observation that I could do in the test server and in lasts 3 days, the spawn of the creatures are random (when you kill a creature, it can spawn a Usurper Archer, Usurper Knight or Usurper Warlock ), like the spawn of the Glooth Bandits and Glooth Brigands  .

So, if you need take Broken Longbows , the best tactic is kill all Usurpers.

by (6,736 points)
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If it would be really random, then proportions of the appearing monsters would be comparable, while Usurper Knights are definitely superior.

+ I'm curious why monsters suddenly disappear.
by (746 points)
Bounac works with a rotation based on the time. Each 1 hour the kesar goes to talk with drume, they make a truce and the attack ceases momentarily.
by (6,736 points)
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When I was hunting there for an hour, monsters disappeared few times on a random Tibian time.