+2 votes
by (2,865 points)
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We have some elements in Tibia as death, holy, earth, etc. I'm willing to know each one of them and what weakness each one has.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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It is quite a tricky question but lets see:

overall undead monsters are weak to holy damage

Fire monsters are week to ice

Energy monsters are week to earth

Water monsters are week to energy

Ice monsters are weak to fire damage

I don't remember any holy monster but I suppose death and holy give increase amount damage to each others. Remember some monsters don't have weakness even having the determined elemental but you already have some idea like this.
Ice monsters are NOT weak to fire damage. Earth-based monsters are those who are weak to fire, while ice-based monsters are weak to energy damage. Basic information that has been available on the Wikia for a few years.
+1 vote
by (7,016 points)
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Best answer
  • The Elements dont have weakness.
  • Some creatures who are strongly represented by an element can have weakness to other elements. By example Fire Elemental Fire Elemental is +25% more weak to Ice Damage.
  • Taking this as example you can know:

Pyro-Elementals Pyro-Elementals are weak to Ice Damage

Electro-Elementals Electro-Elementals are weak to Earth Damage

Massive Water Elemental Hydro-Elementals are weak to Energy Damage

Earth Elemental Geo-Elementals are weak to Fire Damage

Demon Demons are weak to Holy Damage

This is just a small example with certain types of creatures, you can check your Cyclopedia (Full unlocked creature) or Tibia Fandoms (Tibia Fandom English or Tibia Fandom Br) to know each creature weakness.
