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by (7,037 points)

What summonable creatures are immune for the same type of damage they use?

By Eg Fire Devil use Fire Attacks and they are immune to the same type of Attacks.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (464 points)
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Best answer

I only Found 2 of this monsters

Fire Devil - Fire atacks 
Fire Elemental - Fire atacks

U have other monsters Inmune

Like demon skeleton (atack phisical)
or orc leader (fire inmune but phisical atack)

I found all list of monsters summoneables here: 

I hope i helped you, 


+1 vote
by (725 points)
In addition to Gleemody's answer,

demon skeleton uses a "death hit" and it is immune to death damage.

Normal skeletons use a life drain attack which they appear to be immune from

Scarabs use poison attacks which they are immune from