+2 votes
by (99 points)
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Hello everyone!

Since I've returned to Tibia and stepped in Carlin, I had this doubt, what happened in Carlin?

Everyone must have noticed that there are several Fafnar statues spreaded around the city of Carlin, which made me come to that question, would Carlin be a city that worships evil now?

I've searched many things about it, and I would like the people most involved in the lore to answer me.

As seen in many quotes across Tibia, Fafnar is mentioned as goddess of evil, along with Zathroth, Brog and Urgith.

Fafnar is known in genesis as the goddess of the scorching sun, or the wild sun, the goddess who burns everything. It is also said that she scratched Bastesh's face out of envy, and together with Zathroth gave birth to Brog, also known as evil.

And there are many things envolved with evil, like Fafnar's cultists being banned and being our enemies in Issavi.

Why would a city like carlin known as "the city of druids" worship this goddess?

So, for the guys who know more about lore, do you know what's going on in Carlin?

Since now thanks for the attention.
by (1,452 points)
i think they worship it because is a female not because something evil happening since carlin is know as the city of the women every npc with exeption of the guy in the boat
by (99 points)
Bestesh is a female, and also known to be a good goddess, Fafnar is a female, and known for being a evil goddess, why chose the evil goddess?
by (1,184 points)
For me it's very interesting question. Good one!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (101 points)
Carlin in short has always been a city that privileged women instead of men. Now to that remark the complications of good versus evil is always been opinionated because I have always seen the queen is more evil because of the way she approaches men. It was also stated by many female players the way H. L. Spoke to them was deem unkind.

That being said they necessarily may see the goddess as representation of female power and not necessarily her alignment.  Also remember that players are rewarded Fafnir trophies when we complete the Lightbearer Event and can be seen around the Temple of Light which bares a bad and good side depending on the worlds success in the event. So while Carlin may be the good side of her, her cultists may consist of the bad side of the island. So it’s hard to say she’s technically an evil goddess for fire can bring destruction but also is seen as life.
by (99 points)
This is not about men and women. Yes, a Fafnar is a  female representation, but Bastesh is also a goddess, why not her?
Also when we ask the Queen about gods, she say that Crunor is the main god worshiped by Carlin, which is clearly not.

About the Lightbearer I really don't know what's going on there, except the idea that Cip forgot about it.

Yes, she's the sun goddess and fire what also means life, but thats the point, Suon and Fafnar are gods of the sun (yes, Tibia have two suns), While Suon represents calm, and benevolent sun, Fafnar represents the scorching sun.

Unless the NPCs and CIPSoft are lying to us, Fafnar is an evil goddess.

She tried to kill Bastesh beacuse of envy, When we ask two sides inside the game, priests and Lugri (the only npc that claims to be evil that I remember), they say that the evil gods are Fafnar, Zathroth, Brog and Urgith.
by (153 points)
But also Carlin was built and fought by druids… and Crunor is more into Druid side of the vocations. Druids basically left Thais due to king being corrupted by sorcery and they decided to support those who were banished from Thais. They literally thought all skills people(woman) in Carlin
–1 vote
It looks like your answer has received some downvotes. Don't worry, we will help you improve it!

1. Carlin meaning is " witch" (occult meaning), "an unpleasant or disliked old woman."- Connection to druids/ magicians & women. 

2. Daughter of Fire and Fardos, Fafnar is reckless and wild"- which would connect to amazons wildness and will to fight as also show of the power. Fafnar statues are visible in several places - more as a tribute to goddess of lights. BUT it is The Kilmaresh which is place of her cult- not Carlin.

3. Druids are known from using herbs etc etc. to grow herbs, celebrating natures growth, therefore, you would be honouring Sun/ Light?

4. Since it is "city of Women" - and they do dislike men- they would choose Goddess rather than a God- therefore Fafnar. 

1. https://www.google.com/search?q=carlin+meaning&rlz=1C1DIMC_enGB804GB804&oq=carlin+meaning&aqs=chrome..69i57.1894j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

2, https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Fafnar 

Wish to know why got down-vote ?:)