The value in versatility of a city has always been and its appearance, the size of houses, the accessibility to hunting spots. Such as Edron/Yalahar have expensive large houses as well as access to great hunting spots. While Carlin and Kazordoon have smaller houses and less hunting spots, or at least did at once time. The market is always changing depending on the updates. It use to be if you couldn’t find a place to live in Venore/Edron you had to settle for Carlin.
Kazordoon and Ab’dendriel were always free because it’s poor setup and shop locations. Venore has fast walking streets and Edron’s shops are in practical locations close to you. Darashia/Ankrahmun had great hunting spots and were close to the Djinn. Then they changed hunting spots, added more options to use at your house, that these features became less and less of a worry.
Someone once referred to Carlin as the boondocks, if you weren’t rich and wanted a nice sized house. Carlin was the place, unless you wanted to settle for the off towns like stonehome, northport, etc.