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by (4,451 points)
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Hey there!

Lately, I was camping with my friend mini bosses on cobra bastion - Gaffir and Guard Captain Quaid. In one month we looted 2x and 1x when from Scarlett Etzel we didn't loot anything since the update. I never was on mini falcon bosses (only while doing quest killed them once). But in 2 years I looted only 2 items from Grand Master Oberon ( and ). 

Now I am curious what is the rate drop on cobra and falcon mini bosses? Is it the same chance to loot something from all bosses? Which are better to camp? Is it worth to try mini falcon bosses? On cobra bastion we always run between 2 bosses to avoid waiting on respawn. Is it possible to do the same on falcon mini bosses? If yes, then which way is good?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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Ok, lets go:

  • Drop Rate of Falcon Items on Mini-bosses: 1 : 2,500 (there is a post from CM confirming this, but I cant find it now)
  • Drop Rate on Cobra Mini-bosses: Unknown
  • Drop Rate on Oberon: 1: 200
  • Drop Rate on Scarlett: Unknown

On Falcon Castle you CAN trap every falcon in rooms (the only exception is the roof) and run freely from boss to boss, I'll show a map on where I trap them:

Rooms marked as YELLOW, is where you have to trap the Falcons






With this you can run from boss to boss and you'll only met falcons at the roof.


My route is:

  1. Island
  2. Table
  3. Monk
  4. Roof
I'd say Cobra bosses seems to have a much higher drop rate, and they also feature the Ugly Monster  which can drop basically every cobra item, and it seems to be higher chance than even the bosses themselfs.
So, if I had to choose, I'd camp Cobra Bosses.
by (4,451 points)
Thank you!