+2 votes
by (163 points)
I've being checking them for like 1 month and until now, I could only find one.

Besides, does anyone know exactly the location of them?

2 Answers

+6 votes
by (6,736 points)
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I completely don't agree with Zupakode's answer.

Dire penguin DOES NOT spawn like any other monster with normal cooldown. It has 8 respawns, and I have never seen any dire penguin and any screenshot with it from Nibelor and Grimlund. This info is misleading.

I have marked respawn location with red colour:

I guess that it is possible to meet 1 penguin each day due to the big number of it's resp locations, but it's hard to define a specific time frame (because of the same reason).


I'm adding 2 spots marked with light green dot.

by (5,801 points)
What is that place that you edited and put at the southeastern corner of the image? And how do I get there?
by (6,736 points)
You have to go upastairs using frozen waterfall, on the west from the city.
0 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Any place with penguins like, Formorgar GlacierHelheimTyrsung or Svargrond. Known spawn locations: west of Svargrond herehere and here, up the Formorgar Glacier here and here.

by (13 points)
thank you!
by (6,736 points)
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Have you ever seen Dire Penguin on Grimlund or Nibelor?
by (5,070 points)
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Edited, I was wrong , can someone check it to remove the downvote?