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by (1,184 points)


To be able to kill Brokul, we need to use 9 Idols. Sometimes Brokul appeared on yellow/half hp when I went in boss room and sometimes he is on green/full hp. Is there any way to trigger his hp to be low?

2 Answers

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by (1,452 points)
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there are 9 broken idols and you need 5 people to do the boss in order for him to be in yellow you need to have repaired 9*5=45 idols, now this you can do it yourself, just need to have 45 idols in total, you can repair all the 9 idols 5 times to have de 45 and that will make him appear yellow every time if you are with someone else then you can split the number since the idols need to be in total of the team not the person
by (1,452 points)
there is a rumor that you can even make him apear in red but i have never seen it or known anyone who has done it
by (1,184 points)
I see! That would explain it why it was lower hp when we did this with more people!
0 votes
by (29 points)
I think time between click on fillars make him yellow HP :) just try to rush from fillar to fillar how fast u can and instantly rush inside lever room and pull!
by (1,184 points)
I got a friend who is level 800 and he is rushing it every day. And for him it was also usually full hp. Maybe it is about amount of idols used?
by (29 points)
are you sure about he's full hp? maybe boss get heal by summons like instantly sometimes? I'm rushing it and its always 50% hp
by (1,184 points)
Yes, 100% sure, we were testing it some. But when we go in 3 people then he is always yellow, so I think it may depend on amount of used Idols.