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by (2,271 points)

What are all the taming items that exist in Tibia and to what mount do they apply?

This question was inspired by the question What are all the achievements linked to mounts? asked by Candangeok and I was surprised it hadn't been asked before. I think it would be a useful resource to have on Tibiaqa.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (2,865 points)
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Thanks for mentioning my question, this is all items: 

Black Sheep: Reins
Crystal Wolf: Diapason
Donkey: Bag of Apple Slices
Dragonling: Decorative Ribbon or Music Box
Draptor: Harness or Music Box
Dromedary: Fist on a Stick
Flying Book: Library Ticket
Gryphon: The Regalia of Suon
Haze: Spectral Scrap of Cloth 
Hibernal Moth: Purple Tendril Lantern
Ironblight: Iron Loadstone or Music Box
Kingly Deer: Golden Fir Cone or Music Box
Lacewing Moth: Turquoise Tendril Lantern
Ladybug:  Four-Leaf Clover
Magma Crawler: Glow Wine or Music Box
Manta Ray: Foxtail
Midnight Panther: Leather Whip or Music Box
Mole: Candle Stump
Neon Sparkid: Crackling Egg
Noble Lion: The Lion's Heart
Racing Bird: Carrot on a Stick
Rapid Boar: Hunting Horn

Rift Runner: Mysterious Scroll
Scorpion King: Scorpion Sceptre
Shock Head: Nightmare Horn
Sparkion: Vibrant Egg
Stone Rhino: Astral Shaper Rune
Tamed Panda: Bamboo Leaves or Music Box
Tiger Slug: Slug Drug
Tin Lizzard: Tin Key
Titanica: Giant Shrimp 
Undead Cavebear: Maxilla Maximus
Uniwheel: Golden Can of Oil
Ursagrodon: Melting Horn
Vortexion: Menacing Egg
Walker: Control Unit
War Bear: Slingshot 
War Horse: Sugar Oat or Music Box
Water Buffalo: Leech
Widow Queen: Sweet Smelling Bait or Music Box

Also there's mounts that you gain by completing a quest:

Gnarlhound: Golem Wrench
Hellgrip: Nail Case
Stampor: 30 Hollow Stampor Hoofs, 50 Stampor Horns and 100 Stampor Talons

by (5,730 points)
The Rift Runner is not gain from Ferumbras Ascendant Quest, so I edited it.
Phantasmal Jade: 4 Spectral Horseshoes, a Spectral Horse Tack and Spectral Saddle
White Lion- Red Silk Flower
Glooth Glider missing, right?
Phant too, 8k drome points