+1 vote
by (1,028 points)
I'm wondering if all the tamable mounts in Tibia have the same taming chance or does it vary depending on the mount?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,051 points)

From my experience, Maybe I am wrong and I was just Lucky on some and unlucky in others with most of my characters, they do not.

Bears, Donkeys, Pandas and Terror birds in my opinion "break" the taming item more often than others.

On the other hand in my case, those hard mounts to tame like Ladybug, Mantaray, Moths, etc do not break the items that often, although It can take you time to tame them.

+2 votes
by (1,850 points)
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Best answer

    On test server was posted that it will be like that:

  • 10% chance to tame
  • 5% to break item
  • 35% fail but you can try one more time
  • 50% monster is running away (disappear)


From my experience and my friends I can tell you that we had problems with  Manta Ray cuz this Manta Ray love eats our Foxtails, I had to use 3 of them, my friend used 3 and didnt get mount just lost items another friend lost 2 items and didn't try again.

monster Was also problematic cuz she eat a lot of my reins like 3 per character on 4 chars.

monsterHibernal Moth That mount was crazy for me cuz I used lantern on around 150 moth before I tamed it :/

monster In 10h of hunting on Warzone 6 and trying tame it during hunt I didnt get that mount yet.

monster This mount might be problematic to tame cuz he cant eat your rune but if u fail u have to wait 20h to use it again. With 1 item I was trying catch this mount for month.

I guess monster and monster are easy to tame cuz never had problems with them.  "Note that the Tin Key may break when used. The Tin Lizzard may also break, but the key is kept. The Lizzard will repawn a few hours later." - https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Tin_Lizzard

monster Is like RNG cuz sometimes you can use 3 sugar oats and get that and sometimes you might use 200 of them and still didn't tame that. xd but fortunately it can't disappear.

monster Ursagrodon is different also. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Melting_Horn/Statistics

+1 vote
by (4,311 points)

They definitely don't have the same chance. Mounts like Crustacea Gigantica, Mole, Hybernal Moth and Stone Rhino are terrible to tame, you have to try countless times until you do it,  at least that's what most players report. For example, the Crustace I had to try ten times in a row to be able to tame, during a rapid respawn. In contrast, mounts like the War bear, Slug are easily tamed first.

by (5,051 points)
about war bear.. I literaly break 5 items ervery time I try to tame
by (4,311 points)
Really? I have it at all my makers, 100% tamed at first =O
by (5,051 points)
pandas and bears hate me
by (1,028 points)
Oh yes, come to think about it, I tried catching the moth at least 50 times before succeeding! The same goes for the Stone Rhino