+3 votes
by (2,865 points)
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Every time you tame a creature you earn an achievement, so I want to know every achievement you can earn when tame a mount

1 Answer

+6 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Best answer

Hi Candangoek!

There is the full list of Mounts that are available until now and Achievements you reach when you tame them :

Mount NameAchievement
Black Sheep Litte Ball of Wool.
BlazebringerLuminous Kitty

 Blue Rolling Barrel
Green Rolling Barrel
Red Rolling Barrel
Do a Barrel Roll!
Bright Percht Sleigh
Cold Percht Sleigh
Dark Percht Sleigh
No Horse Open Sleigh (*)
 Crystal WolfThe Right Tone
 DonkeyLoyal Lad
 DragonlingDragon Mimicry
DraptorScales and Tail
DromedaryFata Morgana
 Fleeting KnowlegdeBibliomaniac
 Glooth GliderFabled Construction
 GnarhoundMind the Dog!
 GryphonGryphon Rider
HazeNothing but Hot Air
 Hibernal MothMoth Whisperer
 Kingly DeerFriends of Elves
 Lacewing MothLacewing Catcher
 Lady BugLovely Dots
 Magma ClawlerWay to Hell
 Manta RayBeneath the Sea
 Midnight PantherStarless Night
 MoleUp the Molehill
 Neon Sparkid,  Sparkion,  VortexionVortex Tamer (*)
 Noble LionLion King
 Racing BirdPecking Order
 Rapid BoarPig-Headed
Rift RunnerRunning the Rift
 Scorpion KingGolden Sands
 Shock HeadPersonal Nightmare
 Stone RhinoRhino Rider
 Tamed PandaChequered Teddy
 The HellgripBlacknailed
 Tiger SlugSlugging Around
 Tin LizzardKnock on Wood
 TitanicaFried Shrimp
 Undead CavebearOut of the Stone Age
 UrsagrodonIcy Glare
 WalkerGear Up
 War BearBearbaiting
 War HorseLucky Horseshoe
 Water BuffaloSwamp Beast
 Widow QueenSpin-Off
 AntelopeSteppe Elegance

For the achievement No Horse Open Sleigh if you tame one of the Sleigh so not all of sleigh are needed. Also the Barrels work the same way of the Sleigh so you will only need to tame one of them to get the achievement.

And difference of Sleigh and Barrels to get the achievement Vortex Tamer you will have to tame the 3 types of scorpions, this achievement is one of the most hardest and rarest mount achievement available in the game atm.

Hope this help you, if you need any aditional information just let me know.


by (4,162 points)
Good job! A very useful description, it will definitely be useful when friends ask what the achievements of mounts are. I can direct them to this answer :)
by (26 points)
There are already some new mounts that provides achievements, e.g. Phant (Phantastic!), Giant Beaver (Beaver Away) and probably more :)
by (17,406 points)
List needs editing due to new mounts