+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
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I'm not a main paladin and don't know how to hunt with diamond arrows yet, so my question is: how do you manage them in hunt? Let's say in a hunt with 1000 arrows, you should make some and buy the rest?
by (5,796 points)
Although we had some good answers back in the days that it was posted, old answers may not correspond to what we see today on Tibia. I must point out that one of the answers explain about the change and the current meta for Diamond Arrows.

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (2,217 points)

Diamond Arrow and Spectral Bolt can no longer expire due to Vocation Adjustments on November 23, 2020. Nowadays Paladins cannot make diamond arrows. In addition, arrows can already be purchased from NPCs. Therefore, you no longer need to make special preparations for the hunt. Paladins use quivers so they can buy as many arrows as they need and put them in their quivers. So if you need, for example, 800 arrows per hour hunt just buy them and put them in quivers.

+2 votes
by (37 points)
If you go 2hr hunt for sure need 1000 arrows at start and doing all the time and mark target only on full pull.
If you go hunt solo you need 800 at start to hunt 1hr.
Best wahy to making it for yourself and have good person who doing it in this same time when you exp.
+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Solo hunting is like Zdzisiu wielki said, you need 800-1k arrows for long hunts.

On team hunts or duo hunts you don't use as many, because you kill faster the pulls. I normally begin a hunt of 2h with 600 arrows when I go duo hunt and they last me until the end.

Some tips I would give is not to use them when there are not Many creatures or while luring; at those moments use Aoe runes and mas san. Also try to target a creature which is in the centre of the others if you are running while killing; and if you are blocking a 9 box or hunting with an ek, target the creatures which are horizontal or vertical to him, so the hit of the Diamond Arrow will do damage to all the creatures on your or his diagonals.