+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
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I don't know yet how to use them properly, so I want to know some hunt easy to learn how to use them better, like easy to lure, learn best attack rotation etc

by (2,564 points)
I've edited the question summary - please review and check if this is fine :)

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (332 points)
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You can either do a Team Hunt or Solo Hunt.

Wherever you can get plenty of monsters and cover them with the Diamond Arrow AOE or surround yourself at higher levels, that's the place, as long you're satisfied with the exp and/or profit obtained.

Most common places for TH are:

  • Roshamuul Prison
  • Deep Banuta
  • Nightmare Isles

Common Solo Hunts:

  • West Oramond
  • Mini Rosha (Feyrist)
  • Lizard Chosen

These are some examples, be careful since you need to watch your set, hp and how many monsters, if there's anything that could paralyze you, etc.


Usual Attack Rotation is: Diamond Arrow > Mas San (If can/want to use mana which will help you level up your Magic Level > [(Ava/GFB/Thunder/Stone)] > repeat
Healing in betweens as needed

+1 vote
by (198 points)
Lizard Chosens in the equilibrium tower at muggy plains, they're slow and you are allowed a few mistakes without dying since they don't hit as hard as other spawns for level 150+

also, use prismatic items and protection physical % reduction like zaoan helmet and life leech imbues for extra survivability so you have more room to get used to the whole aoe thing