+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
I noticed that on high levels people hunt as duo ED+EK only Plag Seal together. Ofc sometimes other places to make bestiary or profit, but for exp they have not many options. Way better exp/h high level ED can make solo on Issavi surface or Cobra Bastion.

So is it worth to hunt as a high level players with EKs nowadays?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (545 points)
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From my experience after last nerf there are only two decent places to hunt duo, and this is:

  • Plagirath seal -   about 5kk exp/h and 1.5-1.7kk profit for 2h hunt
  • Issavi surface -  on 225% (boost + green stamina) we had about 15kk/h 

We try many other locations like Juggernaut seal, DT seal, True Asuras, Skeletons Darashia  and these two locations adobe are the best.

Nowadays its better to hunt solo for both (800+) EK and ED
