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I was wondering if it's possible to hunt on Gazer Spectres. Some guy told me that he was hunting on this spawn at level 140 with his knight. Knight had 2x max imbu for fire protection. Druid had max imbu for crit and mana.

What do you think? Is it worth to think about? Maybe you got some tips about this place?

P.S: My bank account is 1kk GP, knight also.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,046 points)
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It is absolutely possible, being careful ofc. Some tips I would give you are: 

  • Knight Must use garlic necklace or magma amulets and as much physical and fire protection as he can. 
  • The druid Must use Magic level set, and use mastermind potion
  • Avoid to lure the thanatarsus
  • Try not to full surround, I Will give you the spots I use on my chars when I level Up there.

by (5,046 points)
Because of this price difference I have always usted garlics and It was ok. I added the magma ones because a friend told me that he was using them instead of the garlic, and that he felt they were better.
I was asking about this some guys on my server and they told me, that it's almost impossible to hunt without Winterblade/Cobra Axe/Resizer. My mlvl is also not very high (77 without items). And that's why I'm wondering.
Nowadays we were hunting Glooth Bandits, and we had like 1,3kk/h. I love the profit but i'm also bored of this place. Do you think that with:
Knight: 2x full fire protection, crit/mana/vamp imbu (which should he use?),
Druid: Full crit and mlvl imbu,

Is it worth trying? Do you think that exp will be better?
by (5,046 points)
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Experience would be higher than bandits for sure! no doubt, I think it will be over 2-5kk+/h (can't tell for sure because I normaly hunt there with experience prey)
And your friends are right, knights must have an element sword to deal some damage, since this creatures are highly strong agains physiccal damage; I didn't know exactly your level or the weapon you use to hunt, so I could not be more precise about the weapons you could use.
On the other hand a good thing about gazer spectre is that they do not have that much Hp, so the druid using: ice wave, avalanche, terra wave and Ice UE will make to kill all the respawn fast enough.

If you try them, to feel safe, the druid can go down first and lure away some of the gazers in the entrance, so your first respawn is not full of creatures. Im sure you'll be ok, but just in case :)
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by (170 points)
You should be able to tank them, try to get an extra damage dealer to make it faster. Beware of traps on the ground
0 votes
by (29 points)
basic thing about your duo here is damage. like you are able to do it without your damage mean only druid do damage but it simple math about experience is pretty low. try get some weapon just not psyhical damage. If level cant make u able for any weapon which base on elemental damage get best weapon with your choose and do some imbu for elemental damage. If you're sword user 180 go for gnomish sword/on next winterblade comming to be best weapon at this place ofc. If axes.... like I'm axe... kinda pretty hard situation with low level and axes which required highers levels.

##almost forget :P

get garlics + prismatic rings(plasma rings maybe would be enough) if they hit u hard(not include any fire imbuing on you) maybe on shield if you are one hand user :)