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I want to play EK or ED, want to reach end game (400+). Which vocation is better choice in general? I'll hunt solo (70%) and in team (30%). Thank you!

4 Answers

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by (5,044 points)
I would say ED.

It's easier to do good solo huntings with high exp when you are mage. And nowadays any vocation at high levels can do realy good profits. Moreover EDs are always needed in team hunts, and they also got the option of doing dupla huntings:Ek-Ed, Rp-Ed and Ms-Ed.

Solo huntings Ek for me are still realy profitable, but they do not get that good experience after all.
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by (7,008 points)
Elder Druid, have good way to hunt solo on high level and another goods stuff like good chance to solo bosses or win the loot as Ferumbras Hat.
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by (17,393 points)
I just wanted to add my answer. I started playing Tibia as a Knight, but now I main a Druid. I love to solo hunt, but I did do a lot of team hunts in the past. What I hear from all my friends is with Knights its really hard to level up to 400 solo. I believe mages at these lower levels have so many spawns that cater to them compared to Knights. It's all up to you with what you decide but you should let us know what you've decided on.
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by (16 points)
I'm a druid and I love it but it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Sometimes I wish I was a knight just because they have a way easier time during team hunts.

Having to keep your team alive and do damage at the same time while going through the chaos can be difficult.