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by (7,037 points)
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For example, If you're facing a boss like Ferumbras which is a boss with a reward system that depends on your participation.

Let's say you're wearing a Stone Skin Amulet.gif Stone Skin Amulet (protection physical +80%, death +80%), and Ferumbras.gif Ferumbras hits you 100 (Physical Attack) And you're going to take just 20 of total damage instead of 100. During the fight is your participation going to count as 100 or 20 damage taken?  To put it simple, does reduced damage from bosses count as participation for the reward system?

by (2,271 points)
I'm not sure anyone can answer this because CiPsoft has said they will not reveal details of the Participation system. You would think it would count as a '100' hit because that was the damage dealt but I don't think there's really any way to be sure
by (6,736 points)
I heard so many times, that if I wear mana shield - damage I took on myself doesn't count. Sounds logical. The same when I dealt the damage to the boss, which healed him up because of the element I used (for example I used SDs on The Pale Worm) - it also doesn't count. I noticed that people decide to take off their armors during the fight with the boss, to get more damage and increase their participation. That's why I suppose that the only damage dealt by a boss that count as a participation is the damage you get on yourself in fact, so from your example - 20 hp in case of wearing SSA. Unfortunately as Severblade said - we can not be sure.

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Was doing Ulhamlululu boss 2 days in a row in the "wrong" Armor - Frostheart Cuirass & got more damage than usual- my ED received better loot than before 2 in a row( me too btw).

I will try Earthheart Cuirass next 2 days and let you know how it goes.

But the bottom line is- more damage you take- you get better loot. Which would mean we should provoke to get more damage...
by (6,736 points)
Urmahlullu is the boss with random loot. Participation doesn't decide about winner of the best loot, so it's a bad example.
by (6,736 points)
You don't have to shout. Firstly the news you have mentioned says that participation is taken into account but still loot may be quite random. It was implemented to avoid farming items - when 50 lvls won the loot with 500 lvls, but it doesn't mean that always winner get the loot. Second news says that you have to hit the boss to be a participant of the fight. 1 hit is enough xD Well, from my own experience it is still a bit random.
I do not shout- using exclamation is for that :)

It works same with all the bosses. Participation is taken into account, but still lot may be quite random.

People would stop going for the bosses with people at the higher "ranks" just from the envy. Imagine- going for the bosses with your friend, and he/she will get loot every single time and you never because you will not beat them with damage?

The formula will have to contain level/ skills/ damage/ healing participation combination. Now the question is- How big role will have Armor/ EQ in that.