+1 vote
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I know that even if you sell a character with an achievement, the account doesn't lose the achievement, I just sold my only character with the "Efreet Ally" achievement and I still have it on my account, I would like to know if we keep them if we delete the character too, I believe we keep. If not I would just mark my character for deletion and see what are the achievements I still have, to know what achievements am I losing, but didn't test that yet cause it requires me leaving my guild and I can't do that now.

by (1,534 points)
maybe im wrong but i think i read long time ago that the achievements bound to account would be keep, while those bound to character only would disappear

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (328 points)
Yes, we still get the achievements in the account and those can be linked to display at another char.

I've tested this myself. I've created another account with 2 chars. One of them was leveled up to mainland and I've used this char to get the 3 marriage achievements in my main char from my main account. Later I've deleted this char from secondary and waited for the 60 days to see it removed from the account. After that, I've still had the marriage achievements in the secondary account and I was able to link and display them in the other lvl 2 char.
0 votes
by (12 points)
The achievements linked to the account always continue, only the character's achievements disappear