+2 votes
by (5,730 points)
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I was checking the Tibia Bosses page, to see which Bosses had been killed, but it only seems the Bosses were killed yesterday.

Does anyone know if we have any other way to see all the creatures that have been killed, the same day?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

I have no idea, why the wrong answer has so many up-votes and is chosen as the best one :D

The answer is - NO.

Statistics on official Tibia website gets updated once per day on 3:00 AM, exatly 1 hour before TibiaBosses stats, so simple conclusion is that there is no possibility to check which boss was killed this day, until stats updates.

Worth to mention that stats shows kills from the last 24 hours/from the whole week.


Someone killed the boss at 11.00 AM on Monday - using official stats from tibia.com you will know it about 3.00 AM on Tuesday. The only case when you can know bosses killed in the same day is:

  • when your friend killed it and told you about it
  • when you can see the death body
  • when boss spawned between 00.00 - 3.00 - then yes, official stats will show it in the same day :P
by (5,730 points)
Hey! You right!
by (17,406 points)
Did you mean until 4 am?
0 votes
by (2,865 points)

Yes there is. You can see it through the official site (Tibia Bossses find their statistics there by the way). It's simple:

1-  Open tibia.com

2- Go to "Community"

3- Go to "Kill Statistics"

4- Search the world you want

This way will appear all creatures and how many was killed today and last week and how many people died by these creatures today and last week. You can just search the creature you want.. 

by (243 points)
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Thanks, i wasn't sure what time it was, useful knowledge. +1
by (5,730 points)
Hello Candangoek!  I had selected you as the correct answer, but I checked the website and it doesn't show that the creatures were killed the same day.
It have a bit delay between the hours the monsters has been killed. So, sadly there is no way to check which monsters has been killed right after.

Anyway I vote you up, cuz I didnt know that was possible to see that on the website.
sorry to bring that back up, but can you please give a link of the post that a CM said the stats are updated at 3 AM?