0 votes
by (235 points)
We know some updates bring new and stronger creatures. I wanna know: since Tibia's first version, what creatures have already been the strongest of their time?
by (17,404 points)
Hi, having trouble understand what you mean. How is your question different than this one: https://www.tibiaqa.com/3315/what-is-the-strongest-creature-in-the-game There's also one about bosses and lore as well.
by (235 points)
It's different because the question you mentioned is asking what's the strongest creature in the game TODAY. I'm asking what creatures were once the strongest (something like: "Demon was the strongest between 2003-2008, but in 2009 came a stronger creature").
by (17,404 points)
But each update brings stronger creatures at least the past couple of updates

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (95 points)
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That is a hard to answer question but speaking through experience (and what I've heard), once upon a time Giant Spiders in Plains of Havoc where scary but Dragons where probably the strongest by then. Demons where a thing after a while. Every update, some new released creature became the strongest to align with the highest levels.

Nowadays, can you tell the strongest creature of it's time? I guess you can't tell because we have so many respawns for the highest levels, each one with it's perks, so difficulty and strongness became something even more personal.
by (328 points)
I agree. The strongest today is not the one that gives the highest xp, as in the past. The strongest depends on the respawn and the number of creatures that are together.
–1 vote
by (6 points)
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Since my first adventure in Tibia, the strongest monster that existed was the Demon - More specifically, in Edron he lived.

by (17,404 points)
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