+1 vote
by (2,191 points)
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I got the information from some players that these creatures would respawn according to the time of the day the basin is lit, so, during the night you will have some of them spawning after you or someone else lit the basin, specially the ones that start at "midnight" on their names or like the "Brides of night" in Kazordoon. I already tested with some of them (Brides of night in Edron and Acolyte of darkness in Drefia respawned only during nightime) and it worked but I'm wondering is this for real or just coincidental? and if it is, what's the accurate time to make each of them spawn when someone lits a basin?
by (17,406 points)
Good theory, would be worth noting that this could be different for every basin. I hope we all find time to help out our worlds and test this out.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
There's no relation between the appearance of creatures and day/night. The creatures will appear when someone lit the basin and a message like "*name of creature* are coming to protect..." appears, then the creatures come!
by (2,191 points)
I thought the same but then I just lit the one in Port Hope, no message appeared for both my friend and I and we got the spawn anyways
by (2,865 points)
It is possible that someone lit the basin before you and your friend and got the message and then the creatures spawned
by (5,523 points)
I agree with Candangoek. Creatures can spawn for 5 minutes if they are triggered. Most likely someone else caused the spawn and just left.
0 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

 I've watched all 10 Lightbearer basins for at least an hour. I documented the time the basin was lit and if and when the creatures spawned. I want to educate you that Lightbearer event creatures do not only spawn during the night or day. There's a % for each basin when lit to spawn the creatures, and night or day doesn't have anything to do with this based on my research. However, this is a different question which is already on TibiaQA here: What is the chance of the appearance of special monsters after torch inflammation during Lightbearer?

To understand time in Tibia I'd like to advise you that night in Tibia is from- :45 to :15 in real-time. Which means the day is from- :15 to :45 in real-time. In Tibia the full day and night cycle lasts 1 hour in real life. For example, 6:50 your time is night in Tibia, and 7:30 is day whether it's AM or PM in real life that doesn't matter, what matters is the minutes. (Source)

by (2,191 points)
Just edited my question to make it match the answer I received.
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