+1 vote
by (5,796 points)

Doing a combo of paladin's projectiles along with Holy Missiles runes can be a pretty good resource to use in order to enhance your damage. However, what are the monsters that we can apply the damage of Holy Missile runes in an effective way? Warlocks, Giant Spiders, Dragon Lords... What monsters are good to use it and which ones aren't really great to hunt with the holy damage from this rune on the Free Area?

Feel free to comment about the efficiency of such choice as well if possible.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

Holy Damage on:

Creature (In order to Strong to Weak) - Weak, Neutral or Strong (%)

Warlock - Weak (108%)

Enslaved Dwarf - Neutral (100%)

Dragon Lord - Neutral (100%)

Lost Husher - Weak (110%)

Lost Basher - Neutral (100%)

Nightmare Scion - Weak (125%)

Lost Thrower - Neutral (100%)

Drillworm - Strong (85%)

Banshee - Weak (125%)

Giant Spider - Neutral (100%)

Bog Raider - Weak (105%)

Dragon - Neutral (100%)

Orc Warlod - Strong (90%)

Bonebeast - Weak (120%)

Wyvern - Neutral (100%)

Nightstalker - Strong (80%)

Corym Vanguard - Neutral (100%)

Earth Elemental - Strong (50%)

Mutated Rat - Strong (90%)

The rest of monster (In Free Area) are too weak to be good idea waste a rune in a single target who die with one hit.

by (5,796 points)
What about Lost Dwarven?
by (7,037 points)
I forgot it, now I add:

Lost Husher - Weak (110%)
Lost Basher - Neutral (100%)
Lost Thrower - Neutral (100%)
Drillworm - Strong (85%)
Earth Elemental - Strong (50%)
by (5,796 points)
Nice! Banshees and Robson Isles' monsters can be weak to it as well?

I guess these are the last ones to mention maybe
by (7,037 points)
edited by
I forgot it too, now I add:

Enslaved Dwarf - Neutral (100%) (From "Lost" caves)

Nightmare Scion - Weak (125%)
Banshee - Weak (125%)
Bog Raider - Weak (105%)
Bonebeast - Weak (120%)
Nightstalker - Strong (80%)
Mutated Rat - Strong (90%)
+1 vote
by (160 points)
It would be a waste to use the rune in weaker mobs, maybe you can speed up your hunt (and get more exp) using it in the lost dwavern cave