+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

I wonder how to get a shopping bag? I found this information: "The bag can be obtained from any shopkeeper by selecting the purchase option with an additional backpack when buying." but I don't know how to make it.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,162 points)
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Best answer

As in the information is written. Go to the selected NPC and select the item you want to buy from the list. Just right-click on the item you want to buy and select the "Buy in shooping bags" option. Then you will buy the item together with the shooping bag (20gp). You can also buy it on market.

by (5,689 points)
yes, it is written but I didn't know where this option is.
+1 vote
by (5,730 points)

Hi !

To get a  Shopping Bag is very easy, all you have to do is go to any NPC you can buy things from saying: Hello/Hi - trade

Once the menu with options is displayed, right-click and the following menu will appear:

Select the option:  Buy in a Shopping Bag:

Keep in mind that this bag cost 20 gp for every purchase you make..

+1 vote
by (156 points)
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To obtain this article it's necessary to buy anything to a NPC, then when you've the item selected you should click right and then activate the option
"Buy in shopping bags" (take in consideration that it'll cost 20gps extra from the item price). You can deactivate this option any time you want by the same process just unselecting 
"Buy in shopping bags" option.

Another way to obtain this item is to try looking for it on market, some people use to sell shopping bags too and it's a marketable item.

Hope it helps yes.
