+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
If a player steals another players item or obtains a stolen item from another player, is this against the Tibia rules and can lead to punishment like deletion or banishment? I've heard some rumors lately that it's possible and I just want to know if there's any truth to this.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
Of course in case of hack you can report a crime against property to police, then in case of success Cipsoft may delete hacker's account, but in any other cases I'm afraid it's not against Tibia rules :(

For example: someone takes some items from your house without permission, he doesn't want to give it back - then it's not moral, but unfortunately it is legal. All items that you've got in tibia formally belongs to Cipsoft.
by (5,689 points)
Not really. My friend did some research on it and it is still stealing. another degree, but someone is stealing your material value. you allow someone to enter the house, but you aren't allowed to do the theft. Nowadays cipsoft helps in such cases.
by (6,736 points)
I don't undearstand your comment.. your friend did some reaserch and he realised that stealing is still stealing? noice. Cus maybe you didn't notice, but I didn't write anywhere in my answer that it is not a stealing :) Cipsoft helps in 0,001% such cases when it is all proven and it is about rare and unique items. You could noticed that Cipsoft helped even in case when one guy on Twitch threw away his Golden Helmet by mistake and couldn't get it back. Does it mean that I can throw away all my rares to the water, write to CMs "Hey, please send it back"? Nope. These are exceptions. I suggest you to visit Tibia Rules section: https://www.tibia.com/support/?subtopic=tibiarules and read more about it. You can easily see that there is nothing in Tibia Rules about stealing items in game :)
by (5,689 points)
I mean: taking items from someone's house even you have invitation is still called theft.  Is it understandable now what I wrote that I should send you a letter in the game in Polish? I think that each case is individual, therefore there are no strict rules.
by (6,736 points)
"I mean: taking items from someone's house even you have invitation is still called theft." - ty Sherlock. Again, I did not write anywhere that it's not. I wrote that it is LEGAL, because it is NOT AGAINS THE TIBIA RULES. The question is about Tibia Rules, so I don't know what is your problem. I guess that you need to make some spam and it's all, cus every your next comment brings no further valuable info than "stealing is stealing".
+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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When it comes to an item like the figurine written on your nickname, it is rather simpler to prove... however, I heard that recently one man bought a GM doll from someone. that someone stolen this doll and sold, but was deleted along with the character buyer (he didn't know about theft)

From what I know, it depends on the material where you have it. Cipsoft helps when you report it breaks down to the police because it is the legal threshold for theft. 

Recently, one streamer from my country was robbed, giving the item to the player who was impersonating the company. he didn't give him money. he had it recorded, he has evidence and the amount was large so cipsoft agreed to help him. maybe he'll get his money back.

whereas I having no clues who robbed me, I can't do much. 150kk was stolen from me, some of my fault but similarly in the case of this guy - he also trusted random. I have evidence, but it's not enough to report it to the police. I also don't have good English to fight for it. 

It all depends on happiness. I know people who received help after the theft and managed to recover money.

by (17,406 points)
Great research, kind of sad that the person didn't know it was a stolen GM doll and he was the one that got deleted. That's scary to think of.
asked Mar 16, 2020 by (5,730 points) How to know if the item you gonna buy wasn't stolen?


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