+4 votes
by (5,689 points)
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Decorative sheets  you can't buy it at the market, but they are ordered by many players during orcsoberfest. What could their value be?

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (233 points)
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Best answer

Based on information from players in world Antica these items are worth like:

*Decorative red sheet image - around 8kk

*Decorative blue sheet image- around 10-15kk

*Decorative green sheet image - around 10-15kk

by (5,796 points)
this Orcsober event now (October 2020) had 1kk decorative sheet on Kenora (I sold). I think that the price dropped at least on my server. Maybe other servers dropped as well. Any idea, people?
by (17,406 points)
The price definitely decreased in my world too. I don't see them go for more than 3kk when the event is active.
+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
In my servers the prices was around 5 to 7kk! Also a friend buy one for 1,5kk (I was honestly so jealous hahha He was so lucky).
by (5,689 points)
Last event about 4/10kk but now more people need this :P
by (5,730 points)
I already kill 1800 Belliorger and nothing ! A guy was selling one on 7kk and told me he kill 4000
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)

On Pacera currently, all colored sheets are worth 3kk-7kk. It's easy to find players selling for 7kk but it takes them a while to sell. Usually, as the event goes on the amount decreases so I will update this if I see changes. My friend this year bought a sheet for 3.5kk for example. Often you see players trading x color sheet for a different color sheet so they can obtain all 3 mount colors so maybe this is something you could try if you loot a sheet you don't need.

+1 vote
by (37 points)

Based on information from players in world Gentebra

*Decorative red sheet image - around 7kk - 12kk

*Decorative blue sheet image- around 7kk -12kk

*Decorative green sheet image - around 5kk -10kk
