+4 votes
by (17,406 points)
I'm really interested in purchasing this item. I want to know the cost - Does it depend on who signed it? Who it was for? The world? Please include the world and cost in TC and gold along with your source on how you came up with the price.
by (1,516 points)
I looked in the auction and in some topics of tibia forums, but I was not successful. Following some videos on youtube, I saw some comments from players who sold around 12k tc this item.
by (17,406 points)
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Edit- Today I paid 5k TC for mine on the world Gentebra and it was signed by Guido to a player whom I've never heard of until this moment. When looking through threads (I didn't try too hard) I found players selling the amphoras but no offers. I'm waiting for further research of someone to let me know if I got a good deal or what the AVG price is. Thank you!
by (1,516 points)
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I'm very happy to hear you have the item... you have a part of Tibia history with you :)
by (64 points)
Well I dont think we will have, a default price soon, atm, people will sell it minimum 5k TC, I think
I got one in event, signed to me,
but in Antica
People were  trying to sell the dragon for 6kTC
and they were trying to buy for 2~3K TC
and I didnt see any transaction

We have 150 Amphoras in the tibia..
I think we have at least 400 Lucky Dragons

Also recently we got blessed shield sold  for
400k TC

well I have no idea..
But for a while I ll keep mine!!

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (594 points)
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Best answer

I'm not sure if you're going to be satisfied with this answer but for the items, the same as for the houses:

It is worth as much as someone pays for that.

There are a lot of different Worlds in Tibia and the prices are different everywhere. Some may say it's worth 15k TC while others that it's at least 30k TC.

First of all that depends on what server the item currently is. I don't think if "who signed it" is any important. Then there's number of such items (how many there are available on that server or overall). Also prices always changes with time.
Collectors spend a lot of money on such items because usually they can afford it. They might say it was worth it but player totally not interested in such items will surely say it was not.

by (781 points)
I agree with this answer wholeheartedly. I personally have one from the event and I would never sell it as it was addressed to me, and I put forth far too much effort to let it go.