+1 vote
by (203 points)
Hello, i am about to unlock a new charm on my mage and i was wondering how viable the paralyzing charms are, both on team hunts and solo.

Has anyone tried them ? How did it go ? Are they worse than the damaging charms ? How much worse ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer
I can't see any use for this charms, specially for mages.

Since you are a mage, you can attack from distance using spells/runes, therefore, is not a big deal creature walking away from you. Those runes would be more useful for a knight, who has to chase creatures that stay on distance.

I would leave those as last options on charms, and go straight to damage runes, which will actually make a difference on hunts. Cripple/Numb will change absolutely nothing for you