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by (5,796 points)
I would like to know that I should do if I am a Premium player that wants to hunt only during stamina bonus with my main character. What should be my routine of logging in and logging out in order to always access my character for hunting with the two hours bonus active?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

As stated in this post: https://www.tibiaqa.com/14089/how-much-time-do-i-need-to-regenerate-my-stamina-from-zero-to-full?show=14089#q14089

You need 20h10 to fully regenerate from 40:00 to 42:00 of stamina. This means you can be 4 hours online every day, and as long as don't go below 40:00, on next day you will have 42:00.


But, if some of your online time is inside resting zones, you will recover some stamina back even while being online, making it possible to go below 40:00 stamina and be more than 4 hours online.


My recommendation would be to do like 1:30 hunting every day, leaving 30 min of stamina to be "wasted" at bosses, etc.. (each boss will consume 2 minutes of stamina, if you don't kill anything else). This way you will have a decently long hunt, will be able to kill like 10 bosses and will still have full stamina on next day.
