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For example, an Infernalist Infernalistis shown wearing what appears to be a red coloredFerumbras' HatFerumbras Hat which is dropped by FerumbrasFerumbras and Ferumbras Mortal Shell Ferumbras Mortal Shell

.... What are other examples of creatures displaying what appears to be another creatures item on them?

Maybe I provided a bad example, as it's not really a Ferumbras Hat because a Ferumbras Hat is dark and on the Infernalist it's clearly red but it's such a similar sprite it reminds me of his hat! Is there any other examples like this?

1 Answer

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by (6,736 points)
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To be honest the only thing which comes to my mind is Gear Wheels   that wears War Golems, Damaged Worker Golems , but it is dropped by other kind of mago-mechanics creatures like Worker Golems, Control Towers, Iron/Golden and Diamond Servants and it's replicas and more.

Of course there is a lot of examples when monster wears an item that can be dropped by other monster, but this item is also avaliable in his own loot.
