+2 votes
by (1,850 points)
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Hello I would like make Video with somekind of opening. Im just curious which items are similar to Surprise bag and would let enjoy people watching it. So for the start we have 2 colors of surprise bags, red and blue.
by (4,451 points)
I tried to put my answer 2x but first time after wasted 1 hour somehow website didn't post it....and 2nd time I had too many letters in my answer. I give up XD GOOD QUESTION ! 2,5 hours taken from my life xD
by (2,564 points)
At the beginning, I thought you meant items similar visually, but it looks like you just mean items that you can also open (like surprise bags) - is that right?
by (1,850 points)
Yeah, as I said I would like to do opening so I want open things and get items.

4 Answers

+4 votes
by (518 points)
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Gooey Mass The main item people seek from this is the (usually) very expensive Four leaf clover .

Belonging of the deceased (You get it by trading in medicine pouches to Ottokar in venore) and it can give you very rarely a Slug Drug as well as a Nose ring .

Surprise Cube  can drop various expensive and interesting items like the 5 different versions of the pit demon .

Lots which can give you the four plushies from Orcsoberfest  and a rare food Leberkassemmel 

Mucus Plug (you have to use a Muck remover to open it) and it can give you items like the crystalline sword,armor and backpack : 

Unrealized Dream  can give you items like the prison boss keys and a dream warden claw : 

Glooth Bag which drops glooth items and probably the best item being the control unit 

Surprise Nest  and it drops your previously mentioned blue and red bags as well as Phoenix eggs  Hydra Eggs  and coloured eggs.

by (17,406 points)
i did not know about the belonging of the deceased, good one!
by (518 points)
That's the good old classic gamble at low levels haha :D
by (17,406 points)
Cant relate I was broke as a joke :(
+2 votes
by (17,406 points)

Gooey MassGooey Masses: Found in the Hive behind the green walls by using Insectoid Cells or by looting from Hive Overseerer.

Suspicious Surprise BagSuspicious Surprise Bag: loot from Undead Jester

Gnomish Supply PackageGnomish Supply Package: Obtained by doing Bigfoot's Burden Quest tasks.

Surprise Cube Surprise Cubes: There is a chance of obtaining these from Lorenzo after exchanging Arena Badges for potions. The higher the amount of required badges for a certain kind of potions, the higher the chance of getting a surprise cube.

Mysterious Remains Mysterious Remains: Dropped by various creatures.

Surprise JarSurprise Jars: Rewarded after completing tasks from Dangerous Depths Quest.

Edit: To add more items

+2 votes
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer

Belongings of a Deceased - you can get it from Npc Ottokar in Venore for Medicine Pouch

  • What you can get:  Worn Leather Boots, Dirty Cape, Broken Piggu Bank, Egg, Bat Wing, Honeycomb, Spider Fangs, 4xWorm, Bunch of Troll Hair, 6xGold Coin, Chicken Feather, Turtle Shell, White Mushroom, Knife, Spider Silk, Scarf, Garlic Necklace,White Pearl, Piggy Bank, Doll, Book of Prayers, Iron Ore, Fish Fin, Plague Bell, Plague Mask, Boots of Haste, Slug Drug, Flask of Warrior's Sweat, Nose Ring, Sniper Gloves

Surprise Nest - you can get it while doing Spring Into Life

  • What you can get: 10x one of the colorful eggs, 10x Candy  , Hydra Egg, Phoenix Egg, one of the Surprise bags,Bar of Chocolate

Cornucopia - possible to get from Dharalion boss

  • What you can get: 10x grapes

Surprise Jar - reward from tasks in Dangerous Depths Quest

  • What you can get: Silver Token, Gold Token, Blue Gem, Violet Gem, Suspicious Device

Surprise Cube - possible to get for exchanging Arena Badges in PvE arena in Thais, Edron, Kazordoon, Ankrahmun or Rathleton.

  • What you can get: Time Ring, Energy Ring, Stealth Ring, Ring of Healing, Dwarven Ring, 20x Oranges, Berserk Potion, Bullseye Potion,Mastermind Potion, 5xPlatinum coin, Green Crystal Fragment, Red Crystal Fragment, Cyan Crystal Fragment,Green Crystal Shard, Violet Crystal Shard, Brown Pit Demon, Blue Pit Demon, Green Pit Demon, Red Pit Demon, Black Pit Demon.

Gooey Mass - You can get it one a week from Hive cell on Gray Island or loot it from Hive Oversser and Maw (hive boss located here)

  • What you can get: 2xBlack Pearl, 2xOrichalcum Pearl, 10xLervae, 2xPlatinum coin, 2xGreat Mana Potion. 2xGreat Health Potion, Gold Ingot, Hive Scythe, and very rare Four-Leaf Clover

Unrealized Dream - you can get it from few bosses: Horadron, Mawhawk,  Reflection of Mawhawk, Zavarash, Omrafir,Terofar, Prince Drazzak, Gaz'Haragoth

  • What you can get: Crystal Rubbish, Die, Present, Piggy Bank, Snowball, Meat, Mirror, Spellwand, Simple Dress, Lute, Blue Rose, Goldfish Bowl, Stuffed Bunny, Cluster of Solace, Dream Warden Claw, Pair of Earmuffs, Wedding Ring, Bag of Apple Slices,Silver Prison Key, Bronze Prison Key, Copper Prison Key, Golden Prison Key

Mucus Plug - reward from warzones (Bigfoot's Burden Quest). You need to use on it Muck Remover which you can get from Npc Gnomally for 8x Minor Crystalline Tokens.

  • What you can get: Glowing Mushroom, Crystal Backpack, Blue Gem, Crystalline Armor, Crystal Mace, Crystalline Sword, 10xBlue Crystal Shard, 5xViolet Crystal Shard,10x

Mysterious Remains - you can get it from few bosses and as a reward from Heart of Destruction Quest.

  • What you can get: Scarf, 10x White Mushroom, Magic Light Wand, Iron Ore, Tusk, Garlic Necklace, Stealth Ring, Red Dragon Scale, Bag of Apple Slices ,Piggy Bank, Spider Silk, Yellow Gem, Violet Gem, War Horn, 2x Opal, Gold Ingot, , Gnomish Supply Package, Shaggy Ogre Bag, Rift Tapestry, Folded Void carpet, Folded Rift carpet, Bar of Chocolate, Surprise Bag,

Suspicious Surprise Bag - possible to loot only in April from Undead Jester.

  • What you can get: 50x Gold coin, Piggy Bank, Yellow Pillow, Spellwand, Present, Fish, Toy Mouse, Jester Doll, Cream Cake, Ice Cream Cone, Bar of Chocolate.

Shaggy Ogre Bag - possible to get randomly from Mysterious Remains and task "Quenching the Thirst" in Krailos Quest.

  • What you can get: 5xRoasted Meat, Shamanic Talisman ,Ogre Nose Ring, Ogre Ear Stud, Tusk Shield, Tribal Mask, Skull Fetish, 2x Opal, 3xOnyx Chip, Bast Skirt, Furry Club, Ogre Choppa, Feather Headdress, Shamanic Mask, Spiked Squelcher,, Ogre Klubba, Titan Axe, Mysterious Voodoo Skull, Ogre Scepta

Lots - you could exchange 10 Festive Points with Npc Xaver.

  • What you can get: Plushie of Devovorga.Plushie of Gaz'Haragoth.Plushie of King Tibianus.Sight of Surrender's Plushie, Leberkassemmel.

Glooth Bag - possible to loot from Glooth Bandit, Glooth Brigand,Deep Terror,Empowered Glooth Horror, Professor Maxxen, Tremor Worm. It's also a reward from Dark Trails Quest.

  • What you can get: 2xGlooth Spear, Glooth Amulet, Glooth Club, Glooth Blade, Glooth Axe, 10xGlooth Sandwich. 10xBowl of Glooth Soup, 10xGlooth Steak, Glooth Backpack, Control Unit

Gnomish Supply Package - reward from Bigfoot's Burden Quest. You can also get it randomly from Mysterious Remains or exchange with Npc Gnomally for 2xMinor Crystalline Token

  • What you can get: 4x Health Potion, 4x Mana Potion, 2x Strong Health Potion, 2x Strong Mana Potion, Great Health Potion, Great Mana Potion, Mastermind Potion, Bullseye Potion, Berserk Potion,  Mushroom Pie, 20x White Mushroom, 15x Envenomed Arrows, Pet Pig, Red Gem, Yellow Gem, Blue Gem, Green Gem, 15xCrystalline Arrow, Teleport Crystal, Red Teleport Crystal,  Red Piece of Cloth, 5xPlatinum Coin, Crystal Coin, Gnomish Voucher Type MA2, Gnomish Voucher Type CA2.
by (4,451 points)
It's okay, thank you :)
by (4,451 points)
Yeee, I had many pictures and it was cute...now it's just a text. I never had this problem before :<
by (4,451 points)
It would be nice to know what is wrong with my answervsince someone downvoted me :)
0 votes
by (4,311 points)

Just to add an item the none mention, I'm talking about Costume Bags, these items will transform you into a creature since you use it. There are some variation of it:

  • Costuma bag (retro) -> Giant Spider (Nostalgia) 3478 Bug (Nostalgia) Wolf (Nostalgia)
  • Costuma bag (common) -> Orc Warrior Pirate Cutthroat Dworc Voodoomaster  Dwarf Guard Minotaur Mage
  • Costuma bag (uncommon) -> Quara Hydromancer Diabolic Imp  Banshee Frost Giant Lich
  • Costuma bag (deluxe) -> Serpent Spawn Demon Juggernaut Behemoth Ashmunrah
by (518 points)
No one mentioned these because they don't relate to the question I'm guessing.