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by (4,311 points)

There are some items at Tibia that worthy a lot of money, but some NPC's buy this item for an irrelevant amount of gold, one example of it is the precious Golden HelmeGolden Helmet.gif which value around 500-600kk buy can de sold to the NPC H.L. for the "incredible" amount of 420 gold coins.

So my question is, in case I sell an item to some NPC can I undo and take my item back? 

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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No, sadly if you sell a item for NPC you couldnt undo the action.

I can tell by my own experience when I sold by mistake my Horn to Rashid for 300 gp.

by (4,311 points)
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That is something they could introduce in the game. I'm sure would help a lot of players.
by (5,730 points)
Yes, Believe me I wished a reset game when I sold the ring hahaha
by (2,271 points)
I cant tell what the ring is. What was it?
+1 vote
by (1,184 points)
No, you can't undo selling items to any NPC, it was never possible, same as you can't receive items that you throw in dustbin/water.