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by (5,730 points)
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My team and I killed this boss, but it become a kinda out of control because appeared more summons that us expected, someone, please,  could tell us whats the best strategy to kill it? And if it is worth to kill it every day?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (4,384 points)
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To kill the Fear Feaster: 

When you enter the room, there wil be 3 types of summons and the boss. How to deal with the summons?

  • Horror: they look like jesters and attack at distance. Their attack will heal the boss and the other summons. To avoid it healing the boss, someone from the team need to be targetted by it, do not let it attack the blocker. Preferably a Paladin, because they can deal decent damage, becoming dangerous to mages.
  •  Phobia: they look like a tarantula, this one should be killed as soon as you enter boss room. Just focus fire on it and kill it. It won't respawn again, so you won't have to worry about it anymore.
  • Fear: they look like blightwalkers, and attack on melee range. They deal high damage and should be kept on EK along with the boss.

After killing Phobia, whole team should just focus fire the boss. From time to time the team will be teleported to a small room with a   totem at the center, just kill it and go back to boss room. (the totem will deal area damage from time to time).

Repeat this until boss dies. 
