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by (2,564 points)
Each year, between the server saves of Nov 11 and Nov 15, the Lightbearer world quest takes place. How does this quest work? What does the world need to do in order to be successful? Are there any strategies to help my world succeed?

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by (5,806 points)
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The Lightbearer event starts on November 11th and runs until November 15th. It consists as an annual world quest where basins located on severe different locations should be lighted for 4 days (96 hours). Any interruption with the basins will cause the server to lose the world quest.

  • How to participate: Go to the Magician Quarter on Yalahar, talk to NPC Lucius and tell the followign lines: hi, light, yes. He will give you a Magical Torch. With this item, you can lit several basins that are scattered on Tibia. They are 10 on total, on many different locations: Dwacatra, Hellgate, Plains of Havoc (these are the ones located on Free account Areas), Formogar Glacier, Tarpit Tomb, Drefia, Hero Cave, Forbidden Lands, Ramoa and the Magician Quarter. I will not spoil further about the exactly location of the basins. You only need to get close to the basins, "use with" the magical torch that you received and click on the basin. Keep in mind that evil monsters may appear when you lit a basin, and they can be very annoying if you a are a low level character. Stealth Rings are an advisable resource to carry during that world quest in order to prevent deaths from the possibility described above.

You can also participate on the World Quest as a Free Account but someone will need to pick up the torch for you on Yalahar. You can also try to buy it as well.

One good strategy is to coordinate the whole event operation with a Discord and Team Speak (Discord is usually great to manage a big group). Each basin lit will last for 120 minutes once lit for the first time, so it is advisable to make smaller groups focused on each area. Each one of the groups will have to make sure that the basin will last enough for a determined amount of time (for example, they should have extra characters around that will guarantee that the basin will stay with fire for a determined amount of time if someone supposed to help on that group misses the hour or something along these lines). Keep in mind that the basin should be lit before the time runs out (less than 120 minutes since last torch was used). Also, a character cannot lit the same basin several times. Every character can only lit each basin once, but they can go to other basins and lit they once as well. Due to this, it is advisable the rotation of players when attempting to achieve success.

A good spread sheet organized by each group will be the easiest way to guarantee the victory. They simply should play the quest with a determined amount of characters that will guarantee the basin to be lit on each sector organized on an already determined maount of hours (no matter how many third party groups or random players come there and lit the basin and reset the counter - They should simply act as if they were the only ones working on it). Usually it is done by the most dominant guild on each server, but nowadays most of people enjoy to help as well. Optional-PvP servers should be way more easily to coordinate the efforts. Rotation on the groups is a crucial element, since it will be hard for a smaller amount of players to make things work well there.

Once the time to finish the quest is almost there, it is recommendable to pick up stronger characters and run on the last 120 minutes on several basins, in order to get the maximum of 10 and enjoy the biggest reward! By the way, accomplishing it by the first time will grant special and exclusive rewards, but only during the first time that you lit all of the 10 different basins!

My source was a Lightbearer article on Tibia Royal however the fansite is not active anymore and the link no longer works.

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