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by (2,271 points)
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As the topic header says, Do Stone Refiners still use their attack spells even when they cant see you? Asked in chat but no one was sure and the few times ive been there I havent been stealthed but have seen them using spells even when no one is in their attack zone

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer

As long as you are invisible for Stonerefiner it won't make any spell. It will just walk around till it will be able to see someone in range.

I made a short movie: HERE

+1 vote
by (5,796 points)

I've hunted with a level 19 alternating stealth ring use and my perception is that they need to see a opponent in order to trigger the area attack that you are referring, HOWEVER I might be wrong. Once I use a stealth ring, it is so easy to hunt that I don't remember being hit by area attacks even when there are many Stone Refiners around.

by (17,406 points)
Ill test this later to verify for you when I'm home from work - I think your right from what I remember but just to make sure things didn't change
by (1,534 points)
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3-4 sqm out of their range vision (out of the radio where they actually start chasing and attacking u) the mobs can "feel" someone so they COULD cast spells but doesn't chase u until u are near enough ( i would say 1-2 sqm out of ur 8-9 sqm of vision)

So, if no one is close enough of those parameters, they become somelike "passive mobs", a few of them slow their movements and no one of them cast attack spells at all (but probably could heal themselves or so). when using stealth rings the mob unnable to see invisibility just become "passive".

**this mechanism have another version where mobs that doesn't feel/sense no human close enough they stop moving at all, but this  isn't supposed to be seen and triggers slightly different **