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Is it possible to loot these high-value items on dominated worlds? I mean like if I decide to ignore them trying to pk me from attacking the boss and I land some hits on the monster. Is it possible I can loot these items? or is it impossible and goes solely to the dominant guild because they do the most damage, heal the most, block the most etc...

Just wondering if it's even remotely possible to get it since after I try I will be hunted obviously if I loot ferumbras hat.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
You can loot Ferumbras hat from the Ferumbras ascendant Quest , on that Ferumbras the drop of ferumbras hat is random and not based on the damage/heal/damageBlocked. But in the Ferumbras that appears on Raid in the castle that is based on who wins it so in that case you will need to be the one who deals more damage / heals more / block more damage from feru.. In that case is really hard to loot it.

In the case of Morgaroth.. if you are enough level to win it you can loot it , for example the other day in Secura a lvl 500RP won the Morgaroth because he hit the Morgaroth more times since he spawned , think that Morgaroth and Ferumbras (raid) only last like 5 seconds now...
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
Be on guild or not, has no relation with the loot (Because it is something individual). If they don't kill you, you can loot all items like regular player.

This is seen a lot in Feroxa.
0 votes
by (5,796 points)

Yes you have a chance to loot it. You only need to hit the boss with the most significant damage. Be aware that it will be incredibly difficult to perform and it will also probably put you on a hit list of the dominant guild.
