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by (85 points)
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This is very short. Does anybody knows how the loot works for Ferumbras Mortal Shell? Its been said that for the Ferumbras Raid, the hat goes to whoever deals the most dmg (or it seems to be this way). Is there any kind of known criteria for the Ferumbras Mortal Shell loot probability?

by (2,426 points)
I think you have to clarify your question. Do you mean the distribution among players in a given team, or the overall chance? The former: it's totally random, I've seen a level 250 mage get the Hat in a team full of much higher level players. Overall chance: too rare to have reliable data to make any numeric guess. But I've been in two teams that got one.
by (85 points)
yes, mb i didnt specify the actual doubt lol. I meant the loot distribution among players, as you said. But i think you already answered, as its totally random. Thanks.
by (1,208 points)
Also, the Hat is considered a Unique Item it means that only 1 person in the room could get one and the Boss Bonus does not apply in it.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (464 points)
I make this answer formal.

As comments said below, the drop is 100% Random (atleast i saw 2/3 teams with lvl 250 getting the hat instead of lvl 1.1k lvl)

Anyway, Hat is Cosidered an Unique Item, It means that only 1 person in the room can loot it at the same time.

Bonus loot doesnt work for hat, but yes for Great shield and many others "semivaluable" items!

I hope i helped u, Gretings Gleemody.
by (85 points)
thanks mate!