+1 vote
by (200 points)
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What are the best ways to farm for charms fast? Any places or creatures I should start to aim for?
by (2,564 points)
by (200 points)
so sorry couldn't find thats why i ask
by (2,564 points)
That's perfectly fine :) I'm just making sure that those questions cover what you meant to ask

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

my tips for fast charms:

- at first, kill those that obviously need to be killed 5-250-500.

- on the rrapid respawn choose these where you can leave the bombs and stand in pz.

- when you are hunting, choose a new place from time to time to avoid beating the same monsters constantly.

- use events and raids, because then there are also special occasions to get some monsters (lightbearer, dryads, christmas time with goblins)

+1 vote
by (155 points)
Without rapid respawn go for the rares: the ones that only need 5 to be killed, as the elf overseer for example. And then, go for the ones of the places you want to hunt in, because remember that you can only use the charms in the creatures you have unlocked.

In rapid respawn first go for the ones that can die with a firebomb without you on the screen as rats, frogs, etc. Then, or on the mind time, go for the 250 ones which are easy to find or/and kill, and are several creatures in the same respawn (minotaurs of darashia for example)

The 2 links that ellotris guardian gave you, complete the informationn you need.
0 votes
by (4,311 points)
  • Do not waste timing trying to do to bestiary from monster that you use to hunt or will hunt in the future (even if you do not hunt often)
  • During rapid respawn look for places with lot of differents monsters, specially the easy ones (barbarian camp, orcs...)
  • During rapid respawn,if you have a good team, go to place with strong monsters (warzones, cobra bastion, library...)
Keep your focus in the easy ones, Meriana for example, gives you lot of points only with easy monsters.