+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Shrunken Head NecklaceI have a friend who owns a Shrunken Head Necklace and it's usable with crosshairs, question is what do you use it on? I was thinking it reminds me of a ritualistic so the first thing that came to my mind was the NPC Chondur and his little hut of weird things he's got going on. 


Anyone else have any suggestions or know what its used for?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (2,217 points)
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Best answer
This is a very interesting question that I have also been looking for an answer to. At the moment the use of this item seems to be unknown. Probably no sources on the web give a specific use for this item. Although the question is still open. Perhaps in the future someone will discover the use of the item. Or Cipsoft will add such a usage in some future updates.
0 votes
by (439 points)
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This amulet in some PVP worlds is very useful as part of the set to give you speed, normally people use the beetle necklace cause it is a cheap version since the shrunken head necklace is very rare and expensive.

I would say keep it, and in case you want to run respawns, or pvp wise you can use it to become faster.
by (1,850 points)
You didn't understand the question :D
by (17,406 points)
Im sorry, my question is what can you use the crosshairs on... use with. Not just use it as equipment.