+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
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This necklace was for sell lately on Antica market for 800kk sell offer and it was the first time when I have seen it. How many of them we can see in Tibia nowadays? What is the history of this very cute item?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer

Silver Necklace is very rare decoration that used to spawn in the bonelord cave below Wyda's Hut.

It can be seen in the Bank in Venore, and also in the Draconian treasure room and Emperor Kruzak's Treasure Room in Kazordoon.

It was given as a gift from CipSoft as 3rd place award for the Tibia Ball League in 2003 on Antica.

source: tibia.fandom.com

by (4,336 points)
I think Sheepyy had this necklace in his house on Antica.
by (4,451 points)
Yes, Sheepyy had it in Thais in his house
by (1,850 points)
Also Halfhigh on Antica Red rose member had it.
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)

Just wanted to add (this is not to take from the poster who posted before me as her answer is complete)

I cannot find another necklace in most game worlds that I've checked on trade boards and cannot find this item being sold recently. I think if this used to spawn in Bonelords near Wyda then maybe it spawned before most worlds were created and thus all the rares would be from select worlds or worlds from before most our time. I guess it's hard to say how many there is in Tibia I cannot find this stat anywhere :( Maybe if they gave it away in an event in 2003 they removed it from the spawn before that. Now that world transfers are a thing the amulets can be anywhere but I'm not sure there's one in my world Pacera as I've never seen one!

Cannot find a price check for it here:


by (1,142 points)
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I'm not tracking prices of items which are being sold extremaly rarely, or there are 1 or 2 on markets of all servers and the owner can ask for pretty much any price. Silver necklace, white dress, magic longsword are examples of such items.