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by (2,564 points)
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Every guild has its own bank account. How to transfer money from or to the guild bank account? Can I transfer money from guild bank account to some player? Can everyone do it or only selected guild ranks?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (402 points)
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Best answer

Everyone can deposit money into the guild bank (you need to have the money on you, you can't transfer directly from your bank account) but only the leader and vice leaders can withdraw it.

Deposit into guild bank
Players cannot transfer from their bank account to a guild bank account. Thus, in order to make a guild deposit, the player must carry the gold with him. Players can deposit into their guild bank with the keyword chain guild deposit > (amount) or by the abbreviated guild deposit (amount).

Withdraw from guild bank
Guild leaders and vice leaders can withdraw money from the guild bank. The money will be transferred into the player's bank account. The keyword chain is similar to that of depositing: guild withdraw > (amount), or guild withdraw (amount).

Transfer from one guild to another
Guild leaders and vice leaders can also transfer money from one guild bank to another. They can do this with the keyword chain guild transfer > (amount) > (recipient guild), or guild transfer (amount) > (recipient guild), or guild transfer (amount) to (recipient guild).

Transfer from Guild to player
Guild Leaders and Vice leaders can also transfer money from the guild bank directly to another player. They can do this with the keyword chain Guild player transfer > (amount) > (recipient player) or Guild player transfer (amount) to (recipient player)


by (2,564 points)
Can you also include what I need to say to the NPC to withdraw/deposit to the guild bank?
by (402 points)
Edited a quote with the information for transfers from the link.
by (2,564 points)
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Thanks, this looks better. What I would also add is direct transfer from guild bank account to another player: "guild player transfer" - it looks like wikia doesn't cover it. I have also added that part in the question.