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by (2,865 points)
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I was retired for a time so I lost some updates with bosses that people kill every day and I want to start to kill some. I see many players searching for people to kill Urmahlullu, but I don't know what are the prerequisites to kill him. What do I need?

1 Answer

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by (4,384 points)
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In order to kill Urmahlullu you need to star a quest called "Kilmaresh Quest"

Spoiler for the quest here: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Kilmaresh_Quest

You just need to do Mission 1 to enable Urmahlullu's teleport. There is no level requirement.

Once inside the boss room, you need a lot of fire power to kill the boss. He has 5 forms:

  1. Urmahlullu the Immaculate 
  2. Wildness of Urmahlullu 
  3. Urmahlullu the Tamed
  4. Wisdom of Urmahlullu 
  5. Urmahlullu the Weakened 
When a certain form reaches red/zero HP he will turn to the next form. If your team takes longer than a certain amount of time (I believe it's 60 seconds per form), instead of going to the next form he will go back to the previous. That's why you need a lot of fire power (4-5 players). With a weak team its impossible to kill it.
The 4th form, Wisdom of Urmahlullu, he will be ranged and immune to SDs, so mages should rotate spells. 
by (2,865 points)
Thanks bro, and at what level do you recommend I go ? (I'm EK 275)
by (4,384 points)
You can already block it easily, he doesn't deal a lot of damage, just have a lot of HP :) Cheers!
by (2,865 points)
Nice, I guess I'll try soon.