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by (170 points)
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Wiki sites seem to be mixed up about the different elemental resistances of Urmahlullu forms, some mages on my world summon fire devils but I don't see them making any damage. What are the elemental resistances of each stage?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)

Physical +0%

Holy +0%

Death +0%

Ice +0%

Earth +0%

Energy -40%

Fire -100%

Physical +0%

Holy +0%

Death +0%

Ice +0%

Earth +0%

Energy -40%

Fire -100%

Physical +0%

Holy +0%

Death +0%

Ice +0%

Earth +0%

Energy -40%

Fire -100%

Physical +0%

Holy +0%

Ice +0%

Earth +0%

Energy -40%

Death -100%

Fire -100%

Physical +0%

Holy +0%

Death +0%

Ice +0%

Earth +0%

Energy +0%

Fire -100%

Source: Urmahlullu the Immaculate (Tibia Fandom)
