0 votes
by (4,311 points)
Last night we tried to kill him but from his second form he turned into his fisrt form again.

Do we need to use some specific item or what?


4 Answers

+1 vote
by (44 points)
No specific item should be required. Use full force and kill him.
+1 vote
by (44 points)
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Best answer
From the second form until his fifth and last form you have 1minute to kill each form rom the boss
0 votes
by (4,162 points)
I also killed this way all the time.  But now there it a problem. Apparently you can x-logg inside this boss for as long as you want.

Abused by enemies/players who don't want anyone to do the boss/quest.
–1 vote
by (5,070 points)
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It has 5 forms, just trap and SD on him all the time , he will change to the initial form twice but with different names:

  • Urmahlullu the Tamed 

  • Urmahlullu the Immaculate

  • Wildness of Urmahlullu 

, and when it changes to Wisdom of Urmahlullu uses only Spells since SDs will not affect him.

You have 1 min to kill each form.

by (32 points)
Do you have a certain amount of time to kill each form? Thank you
by (4,311 points)
If u check the video u are going to see that this team is going through the same problem as me. The boss keep changing intop his first and second form
by (5,070 points)
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I killed this way yesterday and without any problems, why I have -1 on this answer?