+1 vote
by (1,351 points)
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I'm trying to finish my bear bestiary. I never focused on it but always killed stand alone bears that I found on my path. By doing this I now have killed 400/500 bears in total.

I've notice that they are usually found in groups of 1 to 3 that are not close to each other. Is there a place that I can find a higher amount so I could finish this bestiary fast?

4 Answers

+5 votes
by (5,690 points)
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Best answer

Here is best place for make bestiary Bear, Boar and War wolf, but it's random monsters spawn [mini world changes].

by (5,051 points)
woo had forgot about this one! hahahah your image with the owl! cool
by (5,690 points)
:D all my screens now I can make like this haha<3
by (5,051 points)
<jealous> <jealous>!
+3 votes
by (5,051 points)
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The largest amount of bears I have ever found is 6, in 2 different places:

Thais: Cave South of the White flower temple (where spiritual blessing is bought):

Orc Fortress: North East corner of the main floor inside the fortress:

My advice: If you haven't done the Orc bestiary, I would go to the orc fortress spot during a rapid respawn, leaving a fire in the top west corner of the imagen (cover all that area of fire until you find the sqm) and keep killing all the floors upstairs. The one in Thais is goo, and near the town, but you will have to wait upstairs without doing anything until you got the respawn back.

by (5,690 points)
for me second best place :) <3
+2 votes
by (4,451 points)

Sadly you can find Bears only in groups 2-4 of them. I would recommend to find spots where exactly bear spawn and make fire bomb there on rapid respawn.  Some places where you can find bears:

  • Ab'dendriel here:

  • Carlin here:

  • Edron Forest here:

  • Kazordoon here:

  • Mainland Orcs Fortress here:

  • Yalahar Zoo here:

  • Outlaw Camp and PoH here:

+1 vote
by (173 points)
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I did the bear bestiary in the bear "cave" near amazon camp (a bit north west).

Why I did in this place? Because at the same time I did the poacher + hunter bestiary in the cave a bit to the west (Tynusiiaa showed that cave) so I did Bear+Poacher+Hunter all on firebombs... good luck

P.S.: It was rapid respawn