+1 vote
by (32 points)


where I can finish Enslaved dwarf bestiary, where is best place to kill it?

by (328 points)
I dont know if its the best place, but Im doing the daily spike tasks and Im killing a bunch of enslaved dwarves. My objective there, along with the tasks, is to complete the vulcongra bestiary (2500 kills), but enslaved (1000 kills) will finish before vulcongra.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (25 points)

If you just started doing bestiary on Enslaved dwarfs, i sugest you to start on Spike lvl -8 in northen west corner and after finished bestiary on vulcongras [my ratio in kills was 2,5k vulcongras to 0,56k ensleved dwarfs] you can move to northen Caves of the lost where cleaner caves whit less numbers of annoying monsters.
