+3 votes
by (1,351 points)
I've completed most of the orc in the last rapid respaw but only killed 300 / 500 orcs. I want to know a place where I can find a good amount in a short range. In orc fortress there are many but they are far from each other / not together. I would like to kill more than 3 with an aoe rune and not have to walk too much to find another spawn.
by (4,336 points)
I have same problem with Orcs :/

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,063 points)
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Best answer

There is a cave in Edron with a good respwn of orcs.


by (1,351 points)
I've counted close to 20 orcs at ground floor plus -1 floor. It's a good place to go at rapid respaw but not viable to do without it.
+2 votes
by (4,384 points)
I finished it in the Edron Orc Cave, while doing Orc Spearman as well, during fast respawn it is a good place, but you are right, lacks a place with high Orc density.

My recommendation is doing it with other bestiaries, in multiple places and not focusing just on Orcs.

There are some in Ab elvenbane, which you could kill while doing minotaur guards, orc warriors, etc...

Some around Orc Fortress that you could do while killing Pigs.

Some in zao, while killing sandcrawlers, and the mosquitos (forgot creature name)
+2 votes
by (4,316 points)
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As both said Orc cave at Edron is a really good place but I'll also recommend you another way to do orc bestiary.

You can do the first aprt of Machinery of War Quest which consists in repair the outposts around Orc Fortress using a Bricklayers' Kit Bricklayers' Kit.gif, when you finish it lots of orcs will appear for  you kill them. the bad part is that you only can do it every 6 hours.

by (1,351 points)
I need only common orcs, is it still a viable solution just for this bestiary?
by (4,316 points)
If my memory is working well, will appear a kind from Orcs to Orcs Warlords.
by (1,351 points)
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I did a test at this and common orcs don't spawn there.
After killing all orcs I got:
  86x orc berserker
  6x orc leader
  36x orc rider
  51x orc shaman
  5x orc warlord
  51x orc warrior
by (4,316 points)
What a shame. I apologize for that but in my mind I thought all orcs appear.
+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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I had exactly the same problem when I finished mine.

I finally ended it in Thais orc cave (ancient temple), where there are not a huge of them but yes enough to do them on rapid respawn  in several groups.

Here are the spots:

by (4,316 points)
Awesome place B
by (5,051 points)
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found it totally randomly, while following a pk hidden there xD